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Effect of Media Communication on "Sunshine Project"-- Several opinions on positive interaction between the anti-drug task and the media

(People's Daily Online)

17:17, January 05, 2013

They may also harm abusers’ family, kinship and household fortunes. And then, the harm may grow into composite social problems such as swindle, theft, robbery, AIDS spread and burden on society.

Nowadays, reports on harm of drugs often get people puzzled as they usually starting statements by connecting drug abuse to AIDS, theft, robbery and death. The public is blind to the mild fraudulence at the initial stage of drug using and may easily perceive a misunderstanding that drugs and drug abuse are far from their life. It is urgent for the media to have the people be clear about where drugs do exist, what drugs are like, and how to resolutely keep away from drug-related activities.

(iv) The media has the responsibility to clarify a variety of logical relations between drug taking and “social discrimination” and improve reports' guidance against different readers

It is known that those who are engaged in drug-related criminals including drug taking may be subject to public prejudice. Some media only appeal the public not to discriminate the rehabilitated without sufficient logic explanation nor reasoning process. Such kind of appeal seems feeble and futile or even misleading. Conversely, the media should actively analyze the reasons why the drug abusers and the rehabilitated are looked down upon, in their reports targeted to different groups of readers so as to ensure a better publicity effect.

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