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Thankful Words from Self-Employed Drug Rehabilitation Persons regarding the “Sunshine Project” (6)

(People's Daily Online)

17:40, January 06, 2013

Chang Kaiyu: Refuse drugs form the depth of the soul with practical actions

(Han nationality, 31 years old, born on Dec. 2, 1981 in Dashuitian Village, Maochang Town, Zhijin County, Bijie City, Chang Kaiyu was sent to the drug treatment center for compulsory treatment in 2007, and went back to his hometown on April 18, 2009 for the community-based drug rehabilitation. After many tribulations, Chang finally started a cultivation farm under the help of cadres from the community cadres, the Town Narcotics Control Commission, and the people’s police from the police station, and has now become a local farming expert.)

Thankful words

The greatest harm of drug abuse is that it saps the human’s will, twists the human mind, and more than that, destroys human health, ruins family happiness, and wrecks the society. The drug is more terrible than the tiger! Everyone must appreciate the profound meaning of the saying “drug use in one day means drug treatment for ten years and effort to refuse drugs in a lifetime”, and stay away from drugs from the depth of the soul with practical actions.

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