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Thankful Words from Self-Employed Drug Rehabilitation Persons regarding the “Sunshine Project” (3)

(People's Daily Online)

17:40, January 06, 2013

Thankful words

Persistence is the most valuable; persistence is the most difficult; only persistence can bring success.

Wang Hongli: Unthinkable things have become a reality

(Han nationality, born on Dec. 27, 1977 in Meijiang Town in Meitan County, Wang Hongli was sent to the drug treatment center for compulsory treatment in the past. She got married after leaving the center. Her husband was also an addict. They had a child, who suffers from various illnesses and disability. The family could not provide for itself. After the cadres in the community visited them many times for persuasion, admonition, and help, Wang Hongli and her husband made concerted efforts and endured tenacious persistence together and finally got rid of drugs. Now the couple is engaged in the installation of aluminum windows and doors. The community has helped them solve the low-rent housing and minimum living allowance problems.)

Thankful words

Previously unthinkable things have now become a reality. Of course, for everything we should give thanks to the care and concern from the party and the government, to the policy support, and to the kindhearted help of the community cadres, without which we could not have had such a life as we have today. There is true love and care in the world after all. The society has not abandoned us.

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