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Collection of thankful words from rehabilitated drug addicts in “Sunshine Enterprises”

(People's Daily Online)

17:27, January 06, 2013

Li Min: I finally found dignity

(Female, born on Oct. 3, 1980, Li Min started using drugs when she was 19 years old, and was sent to compulsory drug treatment center and labor camp for three times. After released from the labor camp she made a living by selling compact discs on the street. Li Min is now an employee in the “Sunshine Employment Home” in Huaxi District of Guiyang City and is elected by the employees as squad leader)

Thankful words

I was holding a “drifting along” attitude when I first came to “Sunshine Employment Home”. I thought this was only an “image” project of the government and came here solely for the sake of the free methadone, the minimum living allowance, and the “five insurance payments”. However, after I worked and lived in the “Sunshine Employment Home” for three months, I deeply experienced and started to appreciate the care and much help from the government, the “Sunshine Mamas”, and various social circles. Here, I finally found dignity and the courage to live on. I must cherish the opportunity and do well in my work in the “Home”, improve work skills, and hope that one day I will also be able to help others who need help as at token of my gratitude for the help and care the government and the society gave to me.

Zhao Qing: I am able to look after my mother now and she is very pleased.

(Male, born on Nov. 14, 1974, Zhao Qing was sent to the labor camp twice respectively in 2003 and in 2008 due to drug abuse. Zhao started to work in the “Sunshine Employment Home” in Huaxi District, Guiyang City in May 2012.)

Thankful words

I used to smoke heroin every day, and went pick-pocketing in order to raise drug money, which brought great harm to the community. I could not look after my elderly mother at that time, either. After entering the “Sunshine Employment Home”, I could feel the great changes in my thinking and behavior. With the care, help, and guidance from the government, the leaders, and the colleagues, I realized that my previous behaviors were very irresponsible to my family and to the society.
In the “Sunshine Home”, I have made friends and am no longer alone as I always was before. My health improved. I can look after my mother now and she is very pleased.

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