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Collection of thankful words from rehabilitated drug addicts in “Sunshine Enterprises” (3)

(People's Daily Online)

17:29, January 06, 2013

Ren Lijiang: I was one of the first drug rehabilitation persons who enjoyed the benefits brought by the “Sunshine Project”

(52 years old, born in Hongguo Town, Pan County, Guizhou Province, Ren Lijiang smoked opium to ease the pain from tumble injury in 1985 when he was 25 years old and got addicted to drugs since then. In 2003, he was sent to the compulsory isolated drug treatment center. Later, he was recommended by the government to work at Xiaoguan Riverside Coal Mine, a concentrated placement site of the “Sunshine Project” in Hongguo Town. Ren Lijiang has now withdrawn from drug addiction and lives a normal life. In June 2012, he was named by the Provincial Narcotics Control Commission as an Excellent Employee of “Sunshine Enterprise”.)

Thankful words

As one of the earliest drug rehabilitation persons to have enjoyed the benefits brought by the government “Sunshine Project”, I should be the most grateful to the Party and the government. From now on, I will introduce the employment opportunity at the coal mine to all drug rehabilitation persons that I knew of, to help them solve the source of income for livelihood, so that they can get rid of drug addiction sooner just as I did and live a normal life. This is the least contribution I can make to the cause of the “Sunshine Project” in Pan County as a drug rehabilitation person who obtained a good life through the help of the government.

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