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"Sunshine Project" ---A way of solving problems in drug control (6)

(People's Daily Online)

15:51, January 07, 2013

Implementing scientific management and provide specific treatment and psychological guidance through the employment platform integrates services, management, employment, treatment, recovery, education, rescue, and return, which actually creates a “drug-free environment” and a “platform” for the drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel. Integrate drug rehabilitation and recovery, employment and return to the society, and management and services, and implement a combination of measures, to make the “Sunshine factories” become the “drug rehabilitation centers at the door,” to effectively prevent drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel from accessing drugs, benefit the physical and psychological recovery and treatment of drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel, reduce the relapse rate of drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel, and solve difficulties in rehabilitation result consolidation and high relapse rate. The reduction of relapse rate also helps shrink shrink the drug consumption market, contains the increase in the number of social drug addicts, reduces the hazards to the society, and realizes the transformation from renewing ideas to renewing thoughts and methods, from punishment and compulsory rehabilitation to treatment and recovery, and from the vicious circle of solving problems superficially to virtuous circle of solving both root causes and symptoms in the drug abuse prohibition and drug rehabilitation.

Therefore, we say that the “four-in-one” work mode is an innovation for community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery. Some people also say that the “Sunshine Project” is a new policy for employment and development-oriented drug rehabilitation.

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