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State Leaders Favors “Sunshine Project” for Narcotics Control and Rehabilitation - On the People-oriented Innovative Features of “Sunshine Project” in Guizhou Province

(People's Daily Online)

18:19, January 05, 2013

By Hu Xiaosheng, Deputy Editor-in-chief of Insight China on June 21, 2012

In recent years, the “Sunshine Project” in Guizhou Province has been highly appreciated by the Leadership of National Narcotics Control Commission and Ministry of Public Security, and widely recognized by the society. The “Sunshine Project” achieves successful social management and innovation, as it puts people first and tries to solve the rehabilitated patients’ survival problems physiologically and psychologically. Taking enterprises as platform and with the support from the government, it achieved win-win result for rehabilitated drug users, enterprises, and the society.

Affected by the international drug overflow and domestic drug related factors, Guizhou, as a province adjacent to Yunnan Province and the Golden Triangle, the main producers of world narcotic drugs, is facing severe challenges in its narcotics control work. Besides, a series of social problems triggered due to drug abuse have caused serious influences on social stability.

After the adoption and implementation of the Anti-drug Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulation on Drug Rehabilitation issued by the State Council, and Regulations on Narcotics Control of Guizhou Province, a series of community-based treatment/rehabilitation work have been carried out under the leadership of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. The newly community-based treatment and rehabilitation mode created by Yunyan District of Guiyang City, Qingzhen City and Dujun City, taking job placement as core are called the “Sunshine Project”.

On June 14, 2011, Meng Jianzhu, member of the State Council, director of the National Narcotics Control Commission, and Minister of Public Security highly appreciated the “Sunshine Project” and advocated it popularized all over the nation.

The “Sunshine Project” is a newly created “four-in-one” community-based treatment and rehabilitation mode, integrating four aspects of “physical withdrawal”, “psychological withdrawal”, “job placement”, and “social inclusion”, with job placement as the core. Currently, the project has already made significant achievements. As a large number of rehabilitated drug users broke away from drugs completely after working in the “Sunshine Enterprises”. The work opportunities provided by the “Sunshine Enterprises” enable them to live on their own and start a new life.

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