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Weetabix convenes second session of first board of directors meeting

(People's Daily Online)

14:54, March 25, 2013

Wang Zongnan, chairman of Bright Food Group

Bright Food Group held the second session of the first board of directors meeting on February 26 after its acquisition of 60 percent stake of British company Weetabix. Directors from Bright Food Group, Lion Capital and Weetabix attended the meeting. Chairman Wang Zongnan presided over the meeting as the Chairman of the Board of Weetabix.

Weetabix Food Group CEO Giles Turrell

Weetabix Food Group CEO Giles Turrell reported to the Board of Directors the work in 2012 and the work plan and the main goals in 2013. In 2012, the company overcame such unfavorable factors as rising raw material prices, competitive market to achieve the financial targets for the full year, Giles said. The newly launched products won acclaim at the market to launch new products. Its Weetabix golden syrup won the "Product of the Year" honor. In 2013, the company will continue to launch new products and to achieve continued growth in sales and EBITDA. The board of directors gave full recognition to Weetabix’s work in 2012 and its plan in 2013, and exchanged opinions on the company operation. The board also discussed other issues concerning Weetabix.

Weetabix convenes second session of first board of directors meeting

Wang Zongnan said Bright Food Group and Weetabix can have more exchanges on technology research and development, including cooperation in personnel training and product development.

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