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English>>Special Coverage >> Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd.

Chairman Wang meets with Mr. Urs Rohner from CreditSuisse

(People's Daily Online)

09:13, February 25, 2013

Mr. Wang Zongnan talks with Mr. Urs Rohner

On the afternoon of January 9, Mr. Wang Zongnan, Party chief and board chairman of Bright Food, met with a delegation led by Mr. Urs Rohner, board chairman of CreditSuisse.

Founded in 1856 and headquartered in Zurich, CreditSuisse is the world’s fifth largest financial group, a company of investment bank and financial services covering individual and corporate financial services, bank products and insurance. It has branches in more than 50 countries, its total investment amounts to 20 billion US dollars and the properties under its management are worth more than 1 trillion Swiss francs.

Mr. Wang expressed welcome to the delegation and briefed on them development of the Group in recent years. He said that Bright Food has made breakthroughs in resource and network distribution nationwide and “go global” strategy. It has entered acquisition projects in food production, including sugar, wine and dairy produce as well as in distribution network, and taken strategic steps in New Zealand, Australia, France and the UK, laying a foundation for future growth. While doing this, the Group, as he believes, also needs to enter into cooperation with professional partners like CreditSuisse.

Mr. Urs Rohner congratulated the Group on its accomplishments in the past few years. He expressed confidence in the prospects of China’s food industry and Bright Food, and said CreditSuisse is willing to provide first-rate service to help with the fast development of the Group.

Mr. Wang was accompanied by Group CFO Cao Xiaofeng, general manager of financial department Li Lin and general manager of investment department Mao Hongbin.

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