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Public Response to “Sunshine Project” (6)

(People's Daily Online)

17:57, January 05, 2013

Liu Aijun (Professor of Law School of Guizhou University):
During the process of investigation, it is amazing to find out that both the leadership and the staff workers have changed their view towards drug addicts who have now been regarded as a special group of people as victims of the society. Such rational outlook taken especially by the leadership should be appreciated.

Li Yuncai (Associate Professor of Law School of Guizhou Normal University):
The “Sunshine Project” is not only an innovation in Guizhou Province, but the headmost practice in the theory of narcotics control.

Cao Feng (Professor of School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University):
The narcotics control measures taken by the government are standing on theoretical basis. For the society as a whole, we should not only keep a watchful eye on the indicators or values of market economic efficiency, as there are moral values should be cared. For instance, we should pay concern and love to drug addicts or the disadvantaged groups, and work voluntarily to maintain normal order in society. Theses are equal values in coexistence with efficient value standards in social functioning. As the market itself is unable to make investment automatically on behaviors with public value, therefore, the government’s intervention with drug addicts’ job placement as well as subsidy provisions to the “Sunshine Project” is consistent with the law value in economics, and also meet the basic theory of the market-oriented economy that the government should make an intervention at market failure.

Mu Ling (Chief of China Case Center for Public Policy & Management (CCCPPM), Tsinghua University)
The “Sunshine Project” is designed to promote trust and love and to eliminate social discrimination and exclusion, and gradually establish a
trust system in Guizhou Province to promote social integration. This has fully embodied the breakthroughs attained by the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the Government in social construction and development simultaneously with the economic development, and has moderately regulated various social conflicts and social problems.

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