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Public Response to “Sunshine Project” (4)

(People's Daily Online)

17:57, January 05, 2013

Zhao Hengwei (Dean and Professor of Narcotics Control Department of China Criminal Police University):
We should take the experience of Guizhou in an international perspective. The “Sunshine Project” in Guizhou is vigorous; on the other hand, it predicts China’s anti-drug efforts in future. From the point of view of solving world problems, it may bring some pressure to Guizhou province; therefore, we should work harder to have it better promoted. I believe China’s narcotics control work has entered a period of transition.

Zhang Yu (Dean and Professor of Law School of East China University of Science and Technology)
In my point of view, the “Sunshine Project” is not only of great significance to innovative social management, but also of advanced exploratory to the construction of community-based treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the implementation of Anti-drug Law. It is not to say the drug users under treatment can be rehabilitated automatically once after employment, instead, they need corresponding social influence. Therefore, we need the intervention of professional environmental factors.

Li Bing (Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Office of Guizhou Provincial Government)
The practice of the “Sunshine Project” is a feasible practice and specific exploration of China’s scientific development perspective in the field of narcotics control. The experience of “Sunshine Project” inspired that it is necessary to enact Regulation on Drug Addicts Rehabilitation and Job Placement through national legislation to have the narcotics control and rehabilitation work legalized, and meanwhile, make it an important protection of the legal system.

Wang Jun (Associate Professor of Law School of China University of Political Science and Law):
On the whole, non-discrimination in employment is not only associated with corresponding civil liability and administrative responsibilities, but to a great extent depending on the administrative responsibility and civil liability. Therefore, it is a difficult process to urge enterprises increase employment. Therefore, we need the government to take promotive measures.

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