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"Sunshine Project": Fundamental Solution for Drug Rehabilitation and Innovation Measure for Social Governance (4)

(People's Daily Online)

18:36, January 06, 2013

The "Sunshine Project" should be promoted, developed and improved in a larger scale.

Currently, the "Sunshine Project" has achieved sound effects. Facts have proven that it is a successful project and mode, The implementation of the "Sunshine Project" has just began, although it has already got a certain scale, it still only covers a small number of drug addicts. There are still a large number of drug addicts in Guizhou, and even the whole country who need the help of the "Sunshine Project."

Although the Party committees and governments at all levels in Guizhou have got a certain understanding of the "Sunshine Project," the participation enthusiasm of the whole society is to be increased, and the participation of the whole society, especially the enterprise community is the key to whether the "Sunshine Project" can be fully promoted. Party committees and governments can help coordinate industrial and commercial affairs, taxes, and premises, while investment, production, sales, operation, and management need to be organized by enterprises. Party committees and governments are unable to perform such work, or they are only able to support at most several placement sites. Therefore, the participation of the business community is the key to widely promote the "Sunshine Project" to benefit a majority of drug addicts and the whole society.

The business community should widely participate in the project. Apart from traditional enterprises seeking profits, efforts should be made to attract the participation of public welfare enterprises and new social enterprises. Public welfare enterprises and new social enterprises prioritize social benefits, and social enterprises consider profits more than public welfare enterprises, and are more sustainable. Their participation will significantly increase the power and coverage of the "Sunshine Project."

Therefore, the Party committees and governments at all levels nationwide should care about and support more the "Sunshine Project," promote greater development of the "Sunshine Project" in Guizhou and nationwide, and advance the construction of China’s harmonious society. All sectors of the society should conduct in-depth research, summary, and promotion of the experience obtained from the “Sunshine Project,” and promote the cadres and the public in a large scale, in particular the business circle, to understand, learn about, develop, and improve the "Sunshine Project."

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