
China's anti-smuggling police investigate nearly 5,000 offenses, criminal cases in 2023

(Xinhua) 13:12, January 24, 2024

BEIJING, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- The anti-smuggling department of China Customs in 2023 led a nationwide crackdown that led to the filing and investigation of nearly 5,000 various offenses and criminal cases, the Ministry of Public Security said on Tuesday.

Anti-smuggling police opened investigations into more than 2,000 cases of smuggling involving duty-free sales on the island of Hainan, with the value of these cases amounting to 2 billion yuan (about 281 million U.S. dollars), the ministry said.

In 2023, police also intensified a crackdown on the smuggling of agricultural products such as frozen foods, tobacco, fruit, sugar and grains. More than 860 cases were filed and investigated in the course of this crackdown, according to the ministry.

Throughout the year, anti-smuggling forces within China Customs maintained high pressure on tax-related smuggling activities and strengthened their cooperation with tax authorities.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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