
China to promote greater inclusiveness, sharing of opening up: premier

(Xinhua) 14:17, November 05, 2023

SHANGHAI, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to promote the greater inclusiveness and sharing of opening up, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said Sunday.

Li made the remarks during his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the sixth China International Import Expo and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum.

The multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core is the cornerstone of economic globalization and free trade, as well as an important guarantee for the steady recovery of the world economy, Li said.

China will always stand on the right side of history, follow the logic of progress of the times, firmly oppose unilateralism and protectionism, resolutely uphold the authority and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system, fully and deeply participate in the reform of the WTO and promote the early entry into force of the Investment Facilitation for Development agreement, he stressed.

China will deepen Belt and Road cooperation partnerships with all parties and promote Belt and Road cooperation into a new stage of high-quality development, Li said.

(Web editor: Tian Yi, Kou Jie)


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