Local and Sectoral Economies

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Life Sees Brisk Business
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Sees Promising Postal Sector: Official

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Civil Aviation Turns Losses into Profits
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Chinese Railways Earn 57 billion Yuan In First Seven Months
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Invests 24 Billion Yuan in Railway Construction
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Shanghai Customs Reports Foreign Trade Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Cosmetic Industry Prospering
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Exports from Guangdong Increasing
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Building Materials Industry Invites Overseas Investment
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Construction Booming in China

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Power Sector To Be More Profitable
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Increased Tax Rebates Spur Exports in Shanghai

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Power Sector Keeps Steady Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Chinese Port City Draws More Overseas Funds
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Passenger Traffic Rising

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Energy Output Down
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Produces More Building Materials
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Output of Electric Appliances up
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Output of Major Chemicals on Steady Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Steel Production on Upswing
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Output of Timber Continues to Decline

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Tibetan Economy Grows 8.4 Percent In First Half
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Tianjin Exports Soar In First Half
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Beijing to Further Exploit Tourism Resources
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Shanghai to Enjoy Business Service Via Internet
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Xinjiang Sees Tax-Revenue Increase in First Half

sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Famous Chinese Processing City Reports Export Rise
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Stepping Up Gas Development and Utilization
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Sees Continued Falling Prices
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Southern Chinese Province Trying To Increase Economic Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)BOC Vigorously Develops Cards Business
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Beijing to Further Exploit Tourism Resources
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Shanghai to Enjoy Business Service Via Internet
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Xinjiang Sees Tax-Revenue Increase in First Half
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Zhuhai Holds Investment, Trade Fair in Macao
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)More Overseas Tourists Visit China
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)HK to Outsource Two-Thirds of IT Projects by 2001
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Shanghai's IT Industry Reports High Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Hainan Develops Tropical, High-Efficient Agriculture
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Tianjin Sees Fast Economic Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Southern Chinese Province Reports Increased Revenues
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Expecting Drop In Price Of Cotton As Fixed Prices Disappear
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Regional Economic News
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Jiangsu Sees 13 Percent Rise In Half-Year Foreign Trade
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Sales of Bus, Luxury Coach Growing Fast
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Machinery, Electronics Exports Face Uphill Battle
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Shanghai Opens First Housing Loan Center
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Auto Output Down Slightly in June
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)HK's Economic Growth Positive in Second Half of 1999: Economist
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Chinese Petroleum Company Profits Up In First Half
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Foreign Trade in Northwest Chinese Province Developing Steadily
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)More Overseas-Funded Banks In Shanghai's Pudong New Area
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Issues Regulations on Secondary Housing Market
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Beijing Offers Guarantee to Export and Tourism Industries
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Chinese Police Help Retrieve 72-Million Dollars in Tax Losses
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Real Estate Market Losing Steam
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)HK to Launch Public Consultations on Tourism Development
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China to Promote Housing Sales
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Tianjin's Overseas-Funded Enterprises Increase Profits
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Southeastern Chinese Economic Zone Reports Good Performance
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Tianjin Attracts Foreign Capitals for Enterprise Restructuring
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Qinghai Sees Steady Economic Growth
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)North China Fair Gets A Billion Yuan In Investment
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Small Businesses Playing Bigger Role in Central Chinese Province
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Industrial Sector In Central China Reporting Improved Efficiency
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)More Foreign-Funded Enterprises In NE China
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)Liaoning Province Adopts Measures to Attract Foreign Investment
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)East China City Protects Ownership of Private Enterprises by Law
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China's Autumn Harvest Likely to Fall
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)DNP Increases 8.4% in First Half Year in Tibet
sj-star.jpg (1096 bytes)China Attains Negative Fisheries Growth