Tianjin Exports Soar In First Half

TIANJIN, August 8 (Xinhua)-- The north China port city of Tianjin exported three billion yuan worth of goods during the first half of this year, up 20.3 percent over the same period last year, according to the city's statistics.

This was the highest growth rate for any Chinese province, autonomous region, or municipality during the six months.

Exports from Tianjin's 12,733 overseas-funded firms grew at the rate of 23 percent during the first half, accounting for 72 percent of the city's total.

State-owned industry exports also rose by 13 percent.

Exports of high-tech electronics and machinery products were up by 30.3 percent in the first six months, constituting 51.1 percent of the city's total exports. The growth rate was 42.3 percent a year ago.