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Vice President Ge Junjie meets with European M&A Managing Director Tom Willett of Standard Chartered Bank

(People's Daily Online)

16:21, May 24, 2013

On the afternoon of May 10, Ge Junjie, vice president of Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. met with the visiting delegation led by Mr. Tom Willett, European M&A Managing Director of Standard Chartered Bank. They made friendly exchanges in promoting the cooperation in overseas investment between Bright Food Group and Standard Chartered Bank.

Ge first informed the visiting guests of the latest achievements Bright Food Group had made in internationalization and overseas mergers and acquisitions and its next key overseas mergers and acquisitions and directions. He expressed high hopes for the cooperation with Standard Chartered Bank in internationalization of Bright Food Group.

Willett said Bright Food Group has achieved excellent results in international mergers and acquisitions and has been widely recognized in the industry. Standard Chartered Bank attaches great importance to the cooperation with Bright Food Group, and hopes to provide greater assistance in the internationalization of the Group, especially in looking for investment opportunities in overseas food projects. During the meeting, Willett also recommended some key investment opportunities in the European food industry, for which Ge expressed his thanks. He said Bright Food Group will further make prudent investment decisions around the core business based on China's huge consumer market and consumer demand upgrade in future mergers and acquisitions.

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