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English>>Special Coverage >> Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd.

Chairman Wang Zongnan meets with Euromoney delegation led by Neil Osborn

(People's Daily Online)

10:51, April 17, 2013

Mr. Wang Zongnan, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd., met with Mr. Neil Osborn

On the morning of April 10, Mr. Wang Zongnan, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd., met with the visiting delegation led by Mr. Neil Osborn, the Publisher and Chief Executive Officer of Euromoney in the headquarters of Bright Food.

Chairman Wang firstly extended warm welcome to the visiting guests and then introduced to them the latest development of Bright Food during recent years. On the globalization process of Bright Food, Wang said that, firstly, globalization has been upheld by the group as one of the significant strategies to guarantee the fulfillment of its three-year development plan. In order to overcome the dual limitations in domestic resources and market space, Bright Food has decided to quicken the implementation of its globalization strategy, with focus on optimizing global resource deployment and building a globally-connected network; secondly, with a view to further enhance its main business, Bright Food has paid great attention to capturing sound global M&A opportunities and stepped up its pace of deploying resources and building network across the world. Guided by the globalization strategy, Bright Food has actively engaged in global M&A during recent years so as to fulfill its key missions in resource-deployment and network-building. Such proactive efforts have enabled Bright Food stay at a good position to fully utilize resources both at home and abroad, and have achieved great breakthroughs in expanding its growth space; thirdly, Bright Food has endeavored to establish a sound management system for its globalization operation; fourthly, Bright Food has paid great attention to adapting itself to global operation rules to enhance its soft power during its globalization process.

Mr. Neil Osborn spoke highly of the rapid growth, especially the globalization strategy of Bright Food. He said the group was commendable not only for its commitment to providing safe and healthy foods to Chinese people, but its pioneering and fruitful exploration into overseas market. Euromoney was very pleased to become a strategic cooperation partner with enterprises like Bright Food, and did as much as it could to boost the international reputation of Bright Food, said Mr. Neil Osborn.

Subordinated to the Daily Mail Group, a European media empire founded by the prominent British Rothermeres Family more than 100 years ago, Euromoney is a high-end financial media group with great influence on global capital market. Actively operating in 140 countries across the world, Euromoney has enjoyed sound relations with its clients mainly from governments, enterprises, international banks, financial institutions, transnational financial groups, investment institutions and individuals with solid financial background. (Wang Zan)

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