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Attention from High-Level Leaders (2)

(People's Daily Online)

18:39, January 15, 2013

Meng Jianzhu

Meng Jianzhu (member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor, member of the State Council Leading Party Members' Group and secretary of the Committee of Political and Legal Affairs under the CPC Central Committee )

The "trinity" drug rehabilitation and recovery mode, and Guizhou's "job placement" measure constitute a "four-in-one" working mode to save drug addicts through rehabilitation and recovery. The "Sunshine Production Base" is a very good measure, which provides a platform for drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel to retrieve themselves, and their esteem and confidence, eliminates the society's discrimination against them, reflects their values, and increases their confidence and self-esteem, so as to better promote them to return to the society. This is an exploration about social management and innovation, and shall be carefully summarized and promoted nationwide. (Excerpt from the speech delivered by Meng Jianzhu at the community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery symposium at the "Sunshine Employment Base" in Yunyan District, Guiyang on June 14, 2011)

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Email|Print|Comments(Editor:陈丽丹、Wang Jinxue)

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