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English>>Foreign Affairs

UNEP chief hails "beautiful China" concept (3)


13:09, December 15, 2012

He also called for more efforts to protect the ecological system, river basins, forests and wetlands in China.

Steiner noted that China has been increasing forest coverage in the country, which is remarkable among Asian countries, and that its investment in public infrastructure and transport to protect the environment is unprecedented.

He also expressed his appreciation for "far-reaching" cooperation between the UNEP and China in scientific, technological and empirical fields and expressed his hope that it can be intensified.

The UNEP on Friday presented its first award of "Excellence and Leadership in Media and Environment" to Li Congjun, president of Xinhua News Agency, "in recognition of the contribution in raising awareness and encouraging actions in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations."

Steiner said the media can help raise awareness of the urgency of environmental protection among the public.

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