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English>>China Society

Official with 4 wives removed from legislature


15:19, December 14, 2012

TAIYUAN, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- A former district legislator from north China's Shanxi Province who has found to have four wives and 10 children has been removed from the legislature, local authorities announced Friday.

Li Junwen, 43, a former deputy to the Xiaodian district People's Congress of the city of Taiyuan and former head of the village of Xicuan, was arrested last Saturday for allegedly forging his marriage certificate, according to an announcement from the district government.

Li was removed from the district legislature on Sunday, it said.

Fourteen officials who were responsible for helping Li's illegitimate children obtain residence registration, as well as failed to properly examine his legislative qualifications, were admonished, demoted or fired, the announcement said.

They include the Communist Party of China (CPC) secretary of Xiwenzhuang township, the head of the township police station and several local officials in charge of family planning.

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