
A look into “The soul of Asia”:My adventure in Xinjiang, NW China

By Tabari Shahandasht Narges (People's Daily Online) 17:09, June 12, 2024

Xinjiang — a name steeped in history, whispered with reverence in university halls and woven into the fabric of ancient tales. As an Iranian girl embarking on a journey to this fabled land, anticipation coursed through my veins, fuelled by the promise of discovery and the allure of cultural richness.

The journey to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China was not merely a physical voyage, but a pilgrimage to the heart of Asia — a land where East meets West, where the echoes of Silk Road caravans linger in the air like whispers of bygone eras. From the moment our feet touched the soil of Urumqi, the region’s capital city, I was enveloped in a tapestry of sights, sounds, and scents that stirred my soul.

Arriving at the bustling bazaar of Urumqi, I was greeted by a spectacle of color and sound. A throng of people swayed to the rhythm of Uygur music, their laughter mingling with the melody, inviting me to join their joyous dance. With my friends by my side, I embraced the infectious energy, immersing myself in the tapestry of cultures that enveloped us.

(Photo/Tabari Shahandasht Narges)

As I danced freely, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the cultural exchange unfolding before my eyes. Here, in the heart of Xinjiang, people of diverse backgrounds came together to celebrate their shared heritage—a testament to the power of unity in diversity.

Wandering through the labyrinthine alleys of the bazaar, I was transported through time and space. Everywhere I looked, I saw traces of history etched into the very walls of the bazaar—remnants of a bygone era when merchants from distant lands traversed these same paths in search of fortune and adventure. Amidst the vibrant tapestries and aromatic spices, I felt a profound sense of connection to my own Iranian heritage. The intricate designs of Persian carpets were reflected in the patterns of Uygur textiles, while the fragrance of saffron wafted through the air, evoking memories of home.

Captivated by the music drifting from a corner, I approached a talented musician, his fingers coaxing haunting melodies from his instrument. With a nod of assent, he welcomed my request for a photograph, his music bridging the gap between our worlds. Further along, I encountered two young girls adorned in traditional attire, their smiles a beacon of warmth in the bustling crowd. Their question—"Aren't you from here?" surprised me, but after considering their question, I realized I was a familiar stranger in their eyes, a reminder that in this melting pot of cultures, borders blur and identities intertwine.

(Photo/Tabari Shahandasht Narges)

But amidst the familiar, there was also the thrill of discovery—the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich tapestry of Uygur culture and tradition. I tasted savory kebabs cooked over open flames, indulged in sweet pastries filled with nuts and honey, and marveled at the intricate designs of traditional Uygur clothing on display.

As the day drew to a close, I found myself reluctant to leave the bazaar behind. Each corner, each alleyway held a story waiting to be discovered—a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human experience that bound us all together. But even as I bid farewell to the bustling bazaar, I knew that the memories I had forged there would stay with me forever—a reminder of the beauty and wonder that lay waiting to be explored in the heart of Asia.

In the end, Xinjiang was more than just a destination—it was a journey of the soul, a pilgrimage to the very essence of what it means to be human. In the heart of Xinjiang, we found the true essence of our shared humanity. As an Iranian girl standing amidst the hustle and bustle of Urumqi's bazaar, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and awe for the opportunity to experience firsthand the magic of this ancient land—a land where history and tradition intertwine to create a tapestry of unparalleled beauty and richness. And so, as I gazed out at the setting sun, casting its golden rays over the bustling streets below, I knew that my journey was far from over. For in the heart of Xinjiang, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I had found a piece of myself—a connection to something greater than myself—a connection to the very soul of Asia.

The author is an international student at the Beijing Foreign Studies University.

(Web editor: Tian Yi, Wu Chengliang)


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