
Commentary: Slandering Hong Kong's democratic election doomed to fail

(Xinhua) 14:22, December 13, 2023

BEIJING, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- The results of the recent 7th District Council Ordinary Election of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the first of its kind since the HKSAR reformed the electoral system, are widely recognized and supported by the Hong Kong society.

However, some British and EU officials, the consulates general of certain countries in Hong Kong, and some Western media wantonly smeared the election, and grossly interfered in Hong Kong's affairs and China's internal affairs.

It is an old trick repeatedly played by Western anti-China forces to attack Hong Kong's elections under its new electoral system, using the pretext of democracy, freedom and pluralism. This blatant act of slander is doomed to fail.

Under the old electoral system, anti-China elements used its loopholes to turn the District Councils (DCs) into a political platform, deviating completely from the DCs' main function as a social platform to provide advice and services.

Reforming the DCs has allowed the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" to be fully implemented and has kept the anti-China disruptors out.

No country in the world allows someone who does not love their country to participate in the governance. This is universally accepted common sense.

The political system of the HKSAR is not the Western mode of separation of powers. The DCs are not political organizations. Their function is to assist the HKSAR government in doing a good job in grassroots governance and serving local residents.

The reformed DCs will focus on their primary responsibilities without distractions, better address public concerns, provide high-quality district services, and open a new chapter in the district governance of the HKSAR.

Western anti-China forces frequently attacked Hong Kong's elections because the full implementation of the "patriots administering Hong Kong" principle completely ended the attempt of anti-China elements and external forces backing them to seize control of the HKSAR governance through the electoral path.

Facts have repeatedly proved that no external intervention can stop Hong Kong's pace on the right path of democratic development.

With the joint efforts of the administrators and stakeholders of the HKSAR, the development path of democracy in line with Hong Kong's actual conditions will become broader.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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