
Lai the liar, out-and-out troublemaker who works for "Taiwan independence"

(Xinhua) 13:23, August 19, 2023

BEIJING, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) -- Lai Ching-te's recent "stopover" trips through the United States ended up receiving a lukewarm response.

Despite the stunts he pulled and the demagoguery he preached, it has never been more clear that Lai works indeed, as he claimed, for "Taiwan independence" and is a true troublemaker.

Since entering the political arena in the 1990s, Lai has been crafting an image as a high-profile "vanguard" for "Taiwan independence," gaining personal influence and moving up the ladder of rank. Now, he has a new identity -- the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate to run in the Taiwan leadership election next year. He values this identity deeply and began to tout "peace" demagoguery earlier this year.

"Taiwan independence" means war, the least wanted option for the public in Taiwan.

Lai, being all too aware of the toxic implication of "Taiwan independence" for his election bid, is attempting to gloss over his "Taiwan independence" stance.

However, his "Taiwan independence" stance was once again revealed in a recent interview with Bloomberg, in which Lai, with a pack of lies and distortion of facts, blatantly spread "Taiwan independence" remarks.

The historical ins and outs of the Taiwan question are crystal clear, and so is the legal fact that Taiwan is part of China. Although the Chinese mainland and Taiwan are yet to be reunified, China's territory and sovereignty have always been indivisible, and no division will be tolerated.

Lai has also been trying to confuse right and wrong by falsely accusing the mainland of provoking tensions across the Taiwan Strait. However, the truth is, since 2016, the DPP authorities have blatantly advocated the "two states" theory in an attempt to undermine the fact that both sides of the Strait belong to one China. They have colluded with external forces to seek "Taiwan independence" and provoke tensions, making themselves the biggest source of disturbance to peace and stability across the Strait.

By hyping up the so-called "China threat," Lai has intended to internationalize the Taiwan question, which belongs to China's internal affairs. The old ploy of soliciting external support to seek "Taiwan independence" has further exposed the fact that he attempts to sell out and harm the interests of Taiwan.

At present, cross-Strait relations are faced with a major choice between peace and war, and between prosperity and recession. "Taiwan independence" goes against cross-Strait peace and stability. It harms the interests of people in Taiwan, who are believed to be able to tell right from wrong and grasp their future firmly in their own hands.

(Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun)


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