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Saturday, June 24, 2000, updated at 11:44(GMT+8)

Update: Wuhan Air Crash Killed 7 on Boat

Seven people aboard a boat by the southern bank of the Hanjiang River were killed during Thursday's air crash in the suburbs of this capital of Hubei Province, according to latest reports.

The seven people, all workers from the Wuhan No.2 Brick Plant, located near the crash site, were installing generators on the vessel, when the aircraft hit it.

So far, 49 people, including 42 aboard the aircraft, are known to have been killed in the accident.

Xu Mingtao, a local fisherman, said that he had been working together with the victims on the vessel before the accident. He only escaped death because he left earlier to go to hospital, he said. When he returned, he could not find his co-workers, and called "110", the emergency hotline.

A Chinese-made Yun-7 passenger aircraft of Wuhan Airlines en route from Enshi City in the province to Wuhan yesterday afternoon crashed near Sitai Village shortly before landing, killing all four crew members and 38 passengers aboard.

It is believed that the plane was struck by lightning during its descent, and then exploded in mid-air.

An investigation into the cause of the tragedy is now underway, and recovery efforts are continuing, the sources said.

In This Section

Seven people aboard a boat by the southern bank of the Hanjiang River were killed during Thursday's air crash in the suburbs of this capital of Hubei Province, according to latest reports.

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