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Friday, June 23, 2000, updated at 18:04(GMT+8)

Air Crash Victims to Be Compensated

Each of the 20 passengers killed in Thursday's air crash in the Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, will be compensated 200,000 yuan (about 24,096 U.S. dollars).

A Chinese-made Yun-7 passenger aircraft of Wuhan Airlines departed from Enshi City to the provincial capital of Wuhan yesterday afternoon, but crashed shortly before landing, killing all four crew members and 38 passengers aboard.

Sources said only 20 of the 42 on board, including crew members, had taken out life insurance policies from Enshi Airport. Guo Guicheng, a leading official of the China Life Insurance Corporation, rushed to the scene of the crash to begin investigations right after the tragic accident.

In accordance with the requirements of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, all of Wuhan Airlines' six other Yun-7 planes will be suspended from service until the cause of the crash is determined.

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Each of the 20 passengers killed in Thursday's air crash in the Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, will be compensated 200,000 yuan (about 24,096 U.S. dollars).

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