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Saturday, June 24, 2000, updated at 11:12(GMT+8)

Defense Minister Meets Iranian Counterpart

Defense Minister Chi Haotian met Friday with visiting Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani.

Chi, also vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission and a State Councilor, said that both China and Iran are countries with long history and splendid civilization, and have maintained contacts over a long period of time.

Shamkhani is here accompanying Iranian President Seyyed Mohammad Khatami. The two sides signed a joint communique, Chi said, adding that the visit opens a new chapter in the relations between the two countries.

Chi said that China and Iran once opposed hegemonism and power politics and laid a foundation for cooperation. He said he will continue his efforts for the development of bilateral friendly relations.

Chi also expressed his gratitude for the support of the Iranian government to the Chinese government on the issues of human rights, Tibet and Taiwan.

Shamkhani said that China and Iran have cooperated well in all fields. He expressed his hope relations between two states and armed forces will continue to improve.

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Defense Minister Chi Haotian met Friday with visiting Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani.

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