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English>>Foreign Affairs

China, Russia pledge to deepen economic ties


09:31, December 04, 2012

MOSCOW, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia pledged to further strengthen their economic and financial cooperation at a bilateral dialogue between the two countries' finance ministers held here on Monday.

Chinese Finance Minister Xie Xuren and his Russian counterpart Anton Siluanov co-chaired the Fourth Russia-China Finance Ministerial Dialogue, during which the two sides discussed a number of bilateral and international economic and financial issues.

The two sides exchanged views on the global macroeconomic situation, policies and measures to promote sustainable economic growth in both countries, as well as the fiscal regime and tax framework.

The two ministers also discussed how to strengthen international financial cooperation between China and Russia.

Both Xie and Siluanov hailed the ministerial dialogue as an important and pragmatic platform for enhancing bilateral economic cooperation.

They also agreed to further promote the mechanism for closer bilateral economic and fiscal cooperation, better communication and more coordination on multilateral and regional economic issues.

Xie and the Chinese delegation also met with officials from the Moscow municipal government on the sidelines of the dialogue.

The two countries have agreed that the Fifth Russia-China Finance Ministerial Dialogue will be held in China in 2013.

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