The lawyer dream of a kitchen helper is about to become a reality. This is no doubt a "specimen" for the amazing turnaround of a common individual. But the generality of the "specimen" should not be optimistically overstated.
On the part of the common individuals, they must learn to try harder and become more industrious. But on the part of the whole society, should it provide more space when someone makes hard efforts to try to change their fate?
What is more, there is also the question: "Can life become better even after Yang becomes a lawyer?"
For the ordinary youths like Yang Shaoping, one or two blessing words cannot help them to realize the "emancipation" in terms of class. Stronger faith and continued efforts are still required of them.
Read the Chinese version: 传菜工的律师梦传递怎样的中国梦; Source: Beijing Times; Author: Chen Fang
This group of photos engrave the "past" left far behind us. For some, we may not even have chance to say goodbye.