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Cui Yadong: “Sunshine Project” is A Permanent Cure for Drug Rehabilitation (11)

(People's Daily Online)

17:39, January 05, 2013

Social administration innovation stresses more on breakthrough than on something new, and “Sunshine Project” is a breakthrough

Cui: our community-based four-in-one rehabilitation model can be summarized to be a new way as “taking job placement as the core and sunshine enterprises as carriers, while integrating physiological detoxification, psychosomatic recovery, job placement and social inclusion into one.

“Sunshine Project” reflects the CPC’s philosophy of putting people first and governing for the people; embodies the innovation of people-oriented, scientific drug treatment and humanistic care in narcotics control. It is a precious practice of social administration creativity and an important aspect in building a harmonious society. There are 1.79 million registered drug abusers all over the country. A good job in the job placement, physical withdrawal, physical and mental health and integrated correcting for such a large group of people will eliminate a serious hazard to society and make our society more harmonious. In my opinion, social administration innovation should attach more importance to addressing source, basic and fundamental causes and getting through challenges and bottlenecks than merely on its literal meanings. “Sunshine Project” has showed us certain effect in spite of a short term of practice. I believe it is a correct fundamental way worth to be continued. We don’t intend to create something fresh to advertise ourselves. It does is a creative practice in this regard for what it has achieved.

The “Sunshine Project” gives expression of the CPC and the people’s special care about the rehabilitated and enables them to enjoy the caring as warm as the sunshine in the sunshine enterprises.

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