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Cui Yadong: “Sunshine Project” is A Permanent Cure for Drug Rehabilitation (4)

(People's Daily Online)

17:39, January 05, 2013

Story of "Award Banner".

Meng Jianzhu, minister of Public Security, made an attentive inspection to our “Sunshine Project” in June 2011. He talked to both the employees and the employers, and convened a purposed symposium where he said “Guizhou has offered a nice platform for the rehabilitated to find who they are and regain their dignity, for eliminating the social discrimination on the group, for fulfilling these people’s life values and enhancing their confidence in a bright future by adding “job placement” to the original three-in-one system of “physiological detoxification, psychosomatic recovery and social inclusion”, thus forming a four-in-one structure. All these achievements can not only consolidate the treatment of the treated, but also boost social harmony. This is precious experience worthy being promoted nationwide.” The new model of four-in-one is summed up personally by Minister Meng.

Special caring needs corresponding policies. Guizhou takes a lead in China in introducing “Caring for Drug Rehabilitation” papers.

Cui: the provincial Party committee and government have attached great importance to the “Sunshine Project”. Secretary of Guizhou provincial Party committee Li Zhanshu and governor of Guizhou Zhao Kezhi specially debriefed our work and clearly instructed to give it a brute push provincially and would provide all-round support including funding for that. The Opinions of the General Office of the People’s Government of Guizhou Province on Deepening the Construction of “Sunshine Project” for Community-Based Drug Control Treatments and Rehabilitation Works was issued by Guizhou provincial government stating a series of stipulations on strengthening headship, and establishing guarantee system, expenditure and tax guarantees, social security and medical care, etc. Take expenditure guarantee for example, during the earlier construction stage of the “Sunshine Project”, a factory will be granted financial subsidies worth 300,000 Yuan, one half is from Guizhou province and the other from county-level communities, for every 50 such people they’ve received and subsidies worth 600,000 Yuan for them for above 100 people they’ve received. Meanwhile, preferential policies are also available in aspects of the factory owners' tax payments, the entrepreneurship, self-job hunting and methadone treatment of the rehabilitated, as well as the funds guarantee for the administrative staff. We've also recruited over 3,000 full-time anti-drug staff the expenses on which are incorporated into the government expenditures.
So far, there are more than 17,000 rehabilitated people through community-based treatment waiting for job placement, and the population will reach up to tens of thousands after adding those who have rehabilitated for over three years. The fulfillment and guarantee of a complete set of policies become necessary for expanding the project covering such a large number of individuals to the entire Guizhou province. We must establish corresponding system, mechanism and relevant policies as guarantees to make it a universal social task rather than merely one or two typical cases.

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