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Cui Yadong: “Sunshine Project” is A Permanent Cure for Drug Rehabilitation (7)

(People's Daily Online)

17:39, January 05, 2013

“Sunshine Project” shows us reduction in social administration costs from a long-term and comprehensive vision despite an increase in short-term and one-sided view of point

J: How much financial input would be required for full-coverage of the “Sunshine Project”?

Cui: the provincial government has given us a full support and made budgetary arrangement as far as to 2014. The total input from last June up to now is 4.83 million Yuan from provincial level and more than 65 million Yuan from city or county-level. The total investment is almost 70 million Yuan in real terms (excluding input by enterprises), and part of tax preference and reductions has been completed.

The aggregate of input is increased, however, with this new added amount to original anti-drug budget though the investment in the project seems limited. The cost in drug abstention has been reduced as the decrease in judicial expenditures like case handling or repeated compulsory detoxification, etc. We may save a very large of costs that may incur from relapse of the thousands we've arranged, since which may further gives birth to crimes, law breakings, case solving, arresting, repeated mandatory treatment, imprisoning, guarding, treatment and other activities costing us.

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Email|Print|Comments(Editor:王欣、Chen Lidan)

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