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Cui Yadong: “Sunshine Project” is A Permanent Cure for Drug Rehabilitation (10)

(People's Daily Online)

17:39, January 05, 2013

We've paid efforts in physiological detoxification for extension treatment. Methadone is used for rehabilitation of drug users which are available free of charge at the methadone therapeutic rooms set in every sunshine enterprises. There are 59 public methadone treatment sites at present. Our next objective is to have the public ones provide methadone for free.

We should focus on psychological treatment in embodying our special care to the special groups, and improve their mental health through sincere concerns. We’ve created a “Five-virtue” method in the sunshine enterprises in responding to such people’s inferiority, diffidence, selfishness yet guilt-ridden: to ease the estrangement with love, to facilitate communication with care, to show feelings with carefulness, to serve people with enthusiasm and to call the return of human nature with patience. Each of the exemplary “Sunshine Project” site is provided with psychological consults, psychologists, anti-drug volunteers and full-time officials.
Show humanistic care. A variety of beneficial activities was and is organized in community venues, with cultural and sports activities held in all task sites. Meanwhile, we also regularly organize them to participate in social activities to make them feel a kinship care and respect for their individuality and to promote their physical withdrawal, psychological withdrawal as well as social inclusion.

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Email|Print|Comments(Editor:王欣、Chen Lidan)

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