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Cui Yadong: “Sunshine Project” is A Permanent Cure for Drug Rehabilitation (8)

(People's Daily Online)

17:39, January 05, 2013

Minister Meng demanded us "to do our utmost to hold them from relapse." It is also applicable to the job placement tasks. Each job offered can help us save one more victim, one more family and less risk to the society. “Sunshine Project” focuses on the combination of concentrated arrangement, decentralized distribution, exploring public-service jobs, and self-employment channels. As for decentralized distribution, Fenggang County of Zunyi has established “Sunshine Employment Assistance Center”, to offer the applicants with skill trainings based on market demand and then recommend them to enterprises for work. Shuicheng County of Liupanshui has established a “Sunshine Specialized Fruits & Vegetables Cooperatives” where 13 rehabilitated are engaged. Encouraging entrepreneurship is another method. Taking Sunshine Liangjie Abstersion Co., Ltd. for example, it has received vast recognition from many hotels of Tongren City for nice quality and dependable conduct. When the owner planed to expand his production lines which require land acquisition, the government facilitated the issues related to land acquisition, plant construction and loans for him. So far, 51 rehabilitated people have got jobs in his factory and a number of drug users under treatment have contacted him after knowing that. Next example comes to Qiu Shiyi from Xingyi City of Qianxinan Prefecture who used to be a drug addict himself. He found a processing plant after his successful compulsory detoxification and has incorporated more then 80 rehabilitated persons in all. Totally 4.167 jobs are offered and placed through this multi-channel mode of decentralized distribution, self-employment, public-service jobs and government-based skill trainings. In addition to the 2,195 through concentrated arrangement the aggregate will be over 6,000. Therefore, it is achievable to realize a full coverage by end of this year. Guizhou has preliminarily established a multi-mode and complementary job placement system for the rehabilitated in manner of concentrated distribution in “Sunshine Plants”, scattered in other enterprises in accompanying with governmental arrangement, self-employment and entrepreneurship, etc.
Not only the dynamic supervision & control rate is enhanced, but also the relapse rate is significantly reduced to 2 percent by virtue of and in the Sunshine Enterprises.

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