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Savoring embroidery, opera and crafts on ancient Suzhou street (3)

By Fei Lai (Shanghai Daily)

09:11, December 24, 2012

What to eat

Tao Ye Pu Dessert Shop

The small shop is hidden in a lane and decorated with ink-wash lanterns. Visitors can enjoy typical, tasty desserts and enjoy a view of the Pingjiang River.

Address: 46 Pingjiang Rd

San Wei Restaurant

Signature dishes include fish steamed with fermented glutinous rice (jiu niang yu) and pork with rose-flavor and fermented bean curd (mei gui fu ru kou rou). Average meal price is 60 yuan per person.

Address: 163 Pingjiang Rd

Where to stay

Pingjiang Road has many hotels and inns, including traditional Chinese and homey style. Staying there means you can enjoy the local life from morning to night.

Mingtown Youth Hostel

Address: 28 Pingjiang Rd

Suzhou Higher Garden Hotel

Address: 62-67 Pingjiang Rd

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