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English>>China Society

Village official appeals despite release from labor camp (2)


08:49, November 29, 2012

Ren, however, said the time limit set for appeals had not been exceeded and the court should rule that his two-year sentence was illegal.

"I will continue to appeal for my innocence and social justice," Ren told Xinhua in an interview. Meanwhile, he will also appeal for state compensation and resumption of his civil servant status, he said.

"Now whenever I talk with people, I feel terrified and hope to finish the conversation sooner," he said. "This is the bigger harm re-education through labor has brought to me."

"I was scared at the moment when I was arrested. Meanwhile, I felt it ridiculous and unbelievable: have I subverted state power just because I forwarded a couple of microblog postings? Millions of netizens express their own viewpoints online and should they all be imprisoned in labor camps?" Ren asked.

He said he was "disappointed" with the court's dismissal of his earlier appeal.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】

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