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English>>China Society

China needs more affordable housing: report


08:51, November 29, 2012

BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- China should increase affordable housing supply and expand its pilot property tax reforms, according to a report released Wednesday by a government think tank.

As more rural migrants move to cities, the government should increase the supply of low-priced housing to guarantee "affordable, reasonable and suitable living space" for all people resident in cities, according to "Housing Security in the New Urbanization Background" published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The report said that the major conflict for the Chinese property market is structural, with the biggest problem being that home prices are unaffordable and there are not enough affordable homes.

The think tank suggested the government speed up public housing construction, introduce differentiated property tax policies and expand its pilot property tax reforms beyond Shanghai and Chongqing.

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