Beijing's night watchmen: Unsung hero guards passengers’ travel

(People's Daily Online) 09:21, July 31, 2024

Train stations are a place of countless departures and reunions. Every entrance or exit is a beginning from where some set off or an end where others return home.

Between arrivals and departures, “eagle eyes” never rest—the vigilant night watchmen who tirelessly fulfill their duties. They have seen a tapestry of stories about life and the shifting of eras.

Perhaps you’ve brushed past them at some point, oblivious to their watchful gaze amid your haste.

They are the unsung sentinels of security, as intangible and silent as a family’s care, ever-present yet unnoticed, accompanying the traveler with a promise to appear at the moment of need.

Whether seeing you off or greeting you on your return, their only wish is to ensure every passenger a safe journey lined with beautiful scenery.


Beijing's night watchmen: 600 late-night beats on subway rail tracks

(Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming)


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