
Special train service offers convenience to farmers seeking jobs in Sanjiang Plain, NE China's Heilongjiang

(People's Daily Online) 09:31, May 27, 2024

Photo shows farmers aboard train K5161, which is taking them to the Sanjiang Plain, an important grain producing area in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. (Photo/Xu Shuai)

The Sanjiang Plain in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province is an important area for grain production. Every year, there is a high demand for farmers to assist with tasks such as preparing rice seedlings and transplanting rice.

To meet the labor requirements, China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd. introduced a train service to transport job-seeking farmers to the Sanjiang Plain. Over the past 25 years, the trains have facilitated nearly 1.9 million passenger trips, supporting the agricultural workforce in the area.

Every year, after completing their own farm work, many farmers opt to supplement their income by transplanting rice seedlings in the Sanjiang Plain, travelling to their destinations by train.

"The train becomes lively during this season," said Wang Tao, the train conductor. With 15 years of service on the special train, Wang Tao mentioned that the train stops at locations along the route where major farms are situated.

"The train is equipped with air conditioners and sleeping berths, and its speed is nearly double that of previous trains. It offers a cozy and convenient experience," said Yang Weilin, a 50-year-old passenger. This year marks Yang's 10th time boarding the train.

Wang Ziyi, Yang's employer, who was also on the train, mentioned that in the past, he used to rent buses to transport farmers from Suihua city, Heilongjiang, to his farm. However, he found the buses to be slow and costly. The introduction of the special train has greatly facilitated his operations, providing him with much-needed convenience.

"Before the special train was introduced, in order to work outside, we had to take a bus to the railway station, where we would wait in line to purchase train tickets. The train would first arrive at an interchange station, and then we would transfer to another train. By the time we arrived, we were always exhausted," said Yang. He added that nowadays, he has learned to purchase train tickets on his smartphone, which adds to the convenience.

In carriage No. 11 of the train, passengers were engaged in conversation and taking pictures of job information sheets.

"To assist passengers in finding suitable employment, we proactively gather information on job types, information about farms, and contact information. This information is then compiled into job information sheets and displayed on the train," explained train attendant Zhao Yong.

"Before each train journey, we receive the job information from large-scale grain growers, which we carefully review and promptly provide to passengers," Zhao added.

The operation of the special train not only mobilizes labor resources but also encourages various departments to provide more services.

"We often collaborate with schools, hospitals, and other institutions to deliver new knowledge and skills to farmers. Today, we have invited an agricultural expert to give agricultural knowledge lectures on the train, aiming to enhance farmers' labor skills," Wang Tao said.

According to statistics, about 40,000 farmers are expected to migrate to the Sanjiang Plain this year in search of employment opportunities in rice transplanting.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming)


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