
US: The accomplice of COVID-19

(People's Daily Online) 13:22, August 10, 2021

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives issued the so-called addendum to the origin of COVID-19 report on August 2, continuously hyping up the “lab leak” conspiracy theory without providing any reliable or scientific evidence.

The despicable and immoral practice has once again proven that American politicians have gone out of their minds in defaming China for political interests of their own.

To prove the presupposition that the virus escaped from a Chinese lab, they involved the intelligence community into the origin investigations in defiance of facts and science, and even suggested the U.S. government put up a reward for the “evidence” it wants.

According to a survey gauging opinions from around the world carried out by CGTN Think Tank on major social media platforms, about 80 percent of the respondents believe that efforts to trace the origins of the novel coronavirus have been politicized.

So far, 70 countries have opposed politicization of virus tracing and expressed support for WHO’s report of a joint study with China on the tracing of COVID-19 origins by sending letters to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, issuing statements, and through other ways.

The world will never forget that the U.S. accused Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction based on the “evidence” of a bottle of detergent in 2003. Such an absurd allegation is considered one of the biggest stains in U.S. diplomatic history.

If the U.S. plans to repeat such old tactics again, it will be an open insult to science, a terrible misjudgment toward China as well as a huge provocation to the rest of the world.

Posters designed by Chang Sha (Intern)


(Web editor: Sheng Chuyi, Bianji)


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