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English>>Special Coverage >> Godsent Pu'er, Tea Source of the World

A live broadcast sales over ¥200 million

(People's Daily Online)    18:54, October 12, 2020

Recently, Jingdong Yi Autonomous County of Pu'er City held a live broadcast of “Jingdong excellent specialities, Yunnan Dinging Are Seeking Taste” to help farmers. A total of more than 300 pieces of Jingdong late-ripening mango, bacon, tea and other special agricultural products were sold, and the sales amount reached 2,3462.5 yuan.

From January to September this year, the total amount of e-commerce transactions in Jingdong County reached more than 30 million yuan, which played a positive role in alleviating the difficulty in selling local special agricultural products, boosting industrial development and increasing farmers' income.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Dai Xiaoyu, Bianji)

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