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The 78th anniversary of the July 7th Incident: A “dialogue” with the history

(People's Daily Online)    17:37, July 07, 2015

Above: The 19th regiment of the Eighth Route Army's right column in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military District occupies the Japanese army's position at the Niangzi Pass. (File photo, taken in 1940)  Below: Villagers talk in Niangzi Pass village in Pingding county, north China's Shanxi province. The gate tower behind them was occupied by Japanese army in 1937. (Imposition photo)    (Xinhua/Yan Yan)

July 7, 1937 is a day that cannot be forgotten by China, or even by the whole world. The flame and smoke of the Wanping Fortress opened the dark prelude of Japanese invaders' full-scale invasion of China. The powerful counterstrike in the Lugou Bridge marked the beginning of the War of Resistance by the Chinese people against Japanese aggression. When we see the images across time and space after 78 years, we feel that peace is especially valuable.


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(Editor:Jin Chen,Bianji)

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