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E-books gaining steam in China [Video]


14:08, November 29, 2012

Not to be outdone in the digital craze, China's four biggest online e-commerce sites all got into the e-book business last year, catering to the increasing demand of the country's e-readers. Our reporter Song Yaotian takes a look at how the growing popularity of e-books is changing the way Chinese people read.

Dangdang, Zhuoyue, Jingdong and Suning, these are the four most popular Chinese e-commerce sites.

And they're looking to cash in on the growing e-book craze.

Han Yingya, a graduate student from China Foreign Affairs University is an avid e-book reader.

Her Kindle has more than 100 e-books, which include academic material, novels and anything else that has gone digital.

Student Han Yingya said, "I began reading e-books during my undergraduate years. I think firstly, e-books can save me money, because e-books are cheaper and sometimes free. Secondly, it's convenient, it's impossible for you to carry a lot of books on a train or when you're on the move.

Han says at least half of her schoolmates are also avid e-readers. At the end of 2010, Amazon, the biggest online book retailer, announced that for the first time, e-book revenues surpassed those of paperbacks.

"Chinese-all" is a major digital publisher in China. Established in 2000, it's been the country's trailblazer in the field of e-publishing. The company has cooperated with over 400 publishing houses and 2000 established writers to digitize their works. Now they publish 100,000 e-books every year.

They have also released web novels on their websites. Some of their most popular e-novels are now in the process of being adapted into films or TV series.

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