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English>>Life & Culture

65-year-old Elton John rocks Beijing

By Mu Fangzhou (CNTV)

10:21, November 29, 2012

Sir Elton John performed at the Mastercard Centre with his all-star band in Beijing on November 25, 2012. (CNTV)

On Sunday night, Beijing welcomed a big shot from the world of pop music. Sir Elton John performed at the Mastercard Centre with his all-star band.

For audiences old and young who showed up at Beijing's Mastercard Centre, it's never too late to love somebody. One said, "I'm quite sure that it's gonna be a night full of great music."

And for Elton John, he's never too old to spend an evening on stage.

Returning to China for the first time since 2004 and his first ever live concert in Beijing, the British rocker treated the Chinese capital with 25 of his greatest hits, a truly high energy set

Performing on a grand piano in front of the band, John was accessorized by a combination of search lights, neon and video. Yet it wasn't special effects, but the material and musicianship that elevated the evening including some of his all-time hits, including "Tiny Dancer", "Rocket Man" and "Bennie and the Jet".

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