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Drug hazards (3)

(People's Daily Online)

15:43, January 07, 2013

5. Drug problem causes serious harms to social security. Drug problem is a hotbed triggering crimes of drug trafficking groups, gangdom, and others, as well as social security problems. Drug abuse causes a great number of illegal and criminal activities such as robbery, loot, and theft, seriously harming the people’s lives and property safety. Drug addicts raise drug money by trafficking, stealing, robbing, cheating, and working as prostitutes, which have become a “malignant tumor” affecting the society. In 2011. Guizhou captured 56,859 criminal suspects, among which there were 6,524 drug addicts, accounting for 11.47% of the total. 13.13% of theft cases, 12.78% of loot cases, and 6.6% of robbery cases were done by drug addicts. According to the results of a survey about the sense of social security among the public throughout Guizhou in 2011, 11.48% of the public believed that “drug abuse and trafficking” affected the sense of security, ranking the third among all the factors affecting the sense of security (theft and robbery ranked the first and second respectively).

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