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Story of a single mother (3)

(People's Daily Online)

08:14, December 25, 2012

Gradually, some of the girls around her got married and then divorced, becoming single mothers. Wu realized that single mothers are a special group in need of attentions and helps.

In 2009, Wu founded a service center for single mothers and opened a website for the single mothers of China.

Taking advantage of the opportunities of interviews and meetings all over the country, Wu will do research and make speeches and lectures in colleges and universities. She also invites single mothers and their children to come to her home at all festivals.

Wu almost spent all of her savings in years of public welfare. In 2011, she sold the house, her last property, and used the money to set up the first and only public offering of fund special for single mothers.

In order to make the best of the limited funds, Wu conducted a series of market research and thought the establishment of bases feasible in helping the single mothers living in the middle- and low-class to start a business or get a job. Therefore, she established the first base beside the Shengjin Lake in her hometown, Chizhou in Anhui province. Then, she established the bases in Gansu and Shandong provinces in succession through efforts.

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