"China has become an extremely important player when it comes to global environmental issues," he says. "This is clear to everyone, and I have personal experience of the importance of China in the international negotiations on the need for greener economy and biodiversity."
He says the vision of Europe and China is very similar on environmental issues in future development.
"Like the EU's blueprint, China's strategy has put emphasis on very similar aspirations to improving efficiency in using natural resources, including energy and introducing new targets for the reduction of key pollutants," says Potocnki. "Both China and Europe recognize that our future economic growth needs to be based on green growth."
Europe is also looking for more measures to open access to China's public markets, to allow investment in service and finance, and to equalize credit conditions for public and private firms, says Francois Godement, professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies. "From a French or European point of view, the accent on urbanization is welcome because this is an area where we have much expertise and engineering to offer - if the market is open," says Godement.
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