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How will people feel happier about vacations? (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:12, December 21, 2012

About 73 percent of respondents are not satisfied with the holiday arrangements in 2013, with 63 percent saying the arrangements of holidays and working days are uneven, 55 percent unsatisfied about the total number of holidays, 40 percent thinking holidays are short and 43 percent complaining that the holidays cannot be adjusted by themselves.

Primary school teacher in Susong county of Anhui province said, "Many people are not satisfied with the shift of holidays. The legal holidays are arranged 'stiffly' and 'stingily' and cannot give people sufficient time to relax."

The expert suggested using transfer payments to encourage enterprises to give employees vacations

Director of the Beijing International Studies University's center for China leisure economic research Wei Xiang said, "China has enough legal holidays but the problem is that many companies do not want to give vacations to employees."

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