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English>>China Society

What’s behind pupils' bread and milk lunch? (5)

(People's Daily Online)

17:06, November 28, 2012

Such private projects as the Free Lunch Project and Jiuyang Hope Kitchen Project had played an active role in improving the nutrition of school lunches and gained wide praise before the National Healthy Lunch Program was launched. Despite limited funds and coverage, these private projects have almost never encountered food safety or corruption problems. Their strict management and supervision mechanism as well as systematic information disclosure system have left a deep impression on people.

In order to effectively implement the healthy lunch program, the central and local governments should make efforts to improve oversight and accountability mechanisms, in addition to devoting loads of money to the program. It is important to see achievements, but what is more important is to realize problems. Although the healthy lunch program is led by the government, it can totally draw on the experience of similar private projects to constantly improve itself.

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