
Chinese FM urges full implementation of relevant UN resolutions on Palestine

(Xinhua) 08:11, December 01, 2023

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday called for full implementation of the UN resolutions related to the Palestinian question, and a return to the right track of the two-state solution.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the call at UN headquarters in New York when meeting the press after presiding over a high-level Security Council meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

Noting that the latest round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused enormous civilian casualties and a severe humanitarian disaster, Wang said the international community expects the Security Council to live up to its due responsibilities and take strong actions.

Holding the presidency of the Security Council for the month of November, China has always taken the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the most pressing issue, Wang said.

After the adoption of Resolution 2712, the first Security Council resolution since the outbreak of the conflict, under China's presidency, China initiated Wednesday's high-level meeting in response to the strong calls of the international community, he said.

Foreign ministers and high-level representatives from nearly 20 countries participated in the meeting. The participants held in-depth discussions about the current Palestinian-Israeli situation and the next steps, further building consensus and pooling strengths for the restoration of peace, Wang said.

"We welcome the humanitarian pause reached last week. But peace cannot be circumscribed and there should not be a time limit to a ceasefire. The window of opportunity, once opened, should not be closed again. The fighting, once stopped, should not flare up again. We cannot allow the humanitarian disaster to continue or tolerate even more suffering or losses among the civilians," he said.

"We urge the release of all those held captive and call for the removal of the blockade of Gaza to ensure unhindered international corridors and guarantee the basic needs of civilians in Gaza. We should also prevent the conflict from spilling over into the entire Middle East region and urge countries with influence on parties to the conflict to play a positive role," Wang said.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict proves once again that the two-state solution is the only viable way to the Palestinian question, he noted.

More than 70 years have passed and generations of Palestinians have lost their homes and become displaced. Yet, the dream of establishing an independent State of Palestine remains elusive. "This is an open wound on human conscience," Wang said.

The international community should fully implement the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, fully respect the will of the Palestinian people, return to the right track of the two-state solution, and enable the establishment of an independent State of Palestine as quickly as possible, Wang urged.

"That is the only way for Palestine and Israel to coexist in peace, for Arabs and Jews to live in harmony, and for the Middle East region to enjoy durable peace," he said.

On the question of Palestine, China always stands on the side of peace, justice, and conscience, the foreign minister said. President Xi Jinping has outlined China's principled position on the current Palestinian-Israeli situation on multiple occasions.

With that as the basis, China has submitted its position paper on resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which offers proposals such as pushing for a comprehensive ceasefire, protecting civilians effectively, ensuring humanitarian assistance, enhancing diplomatic mediation, and implementing the two-state solution, said Wang.

To ease the humanitarian situation, China will send another batch of emergency humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip, he said.

China will continue to step up coordination, and build consensus with the relevant parties, working tirelessly to bring stability back to the region and tranquility back to the people, Wang said.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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